Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Folks

My parents are amazing! They absolutely crack me up. My dad use to be this big, intimidating man. Luckily for me, around the age I was ready to date, he transformed into this big teddy bear. Don't get me wrong, he still has this look he can give that would send chills down your back. He only uses that look for special occasions now (kidding). My mom is the most giddy woman I have ever met. She always has a smile on her face, and a hug to give. At church, she once playfully got in trouble by the women of the church for saying "I'm sorry" too much. She even recorded the voicemail on her phone saying "I'm sorry I missed your call, oh wait...I'm not suppose to say I'm sorry anymore..." My nickname from them is Gert. Don't ask why. I have no clue. I love them to death. I couldn't have asked for better parents.

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