Friday, January 23, 2009

Source of Strength

Where do you find your source of strength? Is it in your friends, family, spouse or children? I have found myself many of times being that source of strength for my friends and family. One thing that I have learned is that the most important source to go to is God. You can find limited strength in other people, but to find true guidance and strength, it is in Him. I have a friend that is relying on me as his strength. What he doesn't realize is that I can't do for him what he needs. Only God can! To truely let go of your burdens and give them to God is one of the hardest things for a person to do. He can handle more hurt, pain, confusion and heartache than ever thought imaginable. The best thing you can do for yourself it to give it to God!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Single Mother's

I am a single mother of two beautiful kids. I also work full time and am a full time student. People ask me all the time how I do it. The answer kids. They have gotten me through some of the hardest times imaginable. I constantly want to do better for them, but to do that I push myself to the limit. Having a child is the biggest blessing. They bring me hope, courage, determination, strength and give me more love than a person could ask for. I see people everyday that appear to take their children for granted. Why? Why would anyone not be thankful for every second they have with them? Along with the Lord, they are my saving grace! Mommy loves you babies!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Plane Crash in NYC's Hudson River

I read on a website that a plane carrying 150 passengers crashed into the Hudson River today. All passengers survived. Apparently, a flock of birds disabled both engines which caused the crash. Laura Brown, a spokeswoman with the federal aviation administration states "Right now we don't have any indication that this was anything other than an accident". What exactly do you think runs at wharp speed through a persons mind when their life is flashing before their eyes? Maybe a million thoughts of Why didn't I...? I should have...? If only I...? I guarantee you when that plane was going down, all 150 people were begging for at least one more day. When they were lucky enough to make it off that plane, do you really think they will start living life to the fullest or get back into their old routine. Often, we tend to take life for granted and not be thankful for every second that God gives us here on earth. Why does it take something threatening to end your life for us to realize what we have and what we should be doing? We should live every day like it is our last!