Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am 25 years old and scared to death of turning 30. When I was younger, all I wanted to do was get older. Now I would do anything to be 8 again. I wish I could pause my kids life for a little while so they can enjoy childhood just a bit longer. They are growing up so fast. It doesn't seem that long ago when I was just a kid playing with my little sister outside. Oh how I wish I was younger.

Miss California

Unfortunately, it is believed that Miss California got runner up because of the answer to her question about same sex marriage. She obviously does not agree with it. She, like many others, believe that it should stay between a man and a woman. Perez Hilton, the judge who presented her the question, is totally slamming her for her response. I think it's bs that he asked her what her opinion was, then tore her down because she stood up for her beliefs. I personally agree with her answer to the question. That doesn't mean everyone has to, but don't slam her for giving her opinion.

Flip Flops

I have a slight obscession with flip flops. I don't have room in my closet for all of them, so I have to keep them in a big garbage bad in my garage. I get so much crap about it. From guys of course! They just don't understand that some women like to have a pair that matches nearly all of her casual summer outfits. I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean seriously! They are flip flops. At least it's a cheap obsession!

Gonna be a step mom

Ya know, having your own kids is so much easier than being a step parent. It scares me to death. My fiance' has a little boy who is going on nine months old. This isn't your own child that you are taking care of. It belongs to someone else. I'm always afraid I'm going to do something wrong. How weird is that?


So I have decided that after my last final tomorrow, I am going to try for the hundreth time to stop smoking. It is so hard! I have tried several times to quit cold turkey, but obviously it didn't work. I think I need to try a different way, but what way will that be???


Ok, at this moment, my fiance' is about to get my foot in his ass. I am trying to focus on finishing my last little bit of homework, but he has this STUPID army cadences shit playing. I can't think!!!! Why is it that you men think that when you do something to piss your woman off, a simple I love you will make her just jump into your arms and say "Oh baby, it's ok." Doesn't work that way boys! Seriously, it's gonna be a long night!

Coach Purse

I am stupid and paid $160 for a damn purse. What was I thinking? I always use to make fun of women who would spend so much on something so little. I have became one of them. I tried putting it on ebay and craigslist, but no luck. I have some definite buyers remorse.


I just realized that it is just after 4pm and I have not had anything to eat today. I hate that feeling that you get right after the hunger pains. If I wait too long to eat, I go from starving to totally sick to my stomach within minutes. Why is that?

Do I want more kids?

A question that has presented itself to me many times since I got engaged has been whether or not I want to have more kids. A big part of me says yes. I have a brother and two sisters. I love having a big family. Right now, I have two kids and my fiance' has one. I would like to have two more, but good Lord...that would make five kids! Do I really have the patience to take on two more kids? Don't get me wrong, I love babies, but having them is so exhausting. I think I could pull off having one more without losing too much of the hair I have left, but I don't know about two. I guess we will just have to see.

North Point

If you have not been to North Point Church, you are seriously missing out! It is by far the best church I have ever been to. I have been spiritually fed more there in 9 months than I have in the 25 years I have been in church. If you have not been there, I recommend that you give it a try.


I have a dilema. My fiance' and I do not know where to go on our honeymoon. He wants to go to a beach, where I want to go to a theme park. Of course we could go to Florida where the disney park is, but do I really want to be surrounded by thousands of screaming kids for days? Not really! What to do????


I honestly thought I would enjoy my biology class this semester. Oh how wrong I was! I do not care, nor will I ever care about the evolutionary pliable mollusks. I mean seriously! I guess I just remembered my biology class in highschool being awesome because we got to disect little creatures and blow stuff up. Ah, those were the days!

Finals Week

Oh how my brain is fried! Finals week literally drains me. I have one day to go and I am mentally and physically exhausted. As of six 'oclock tomorrow evening, my brain will refuse to function. I plan on being a lump on the couch for about three and a half days. A bottle of wine and the handy red box rentals will be my life support. Ugh!

My Folks

My parents are amazing! They absolutely crack me up. My dad use to be this big, intimidating man. Luckily for me, around the age I was ready to date, he transformed into this big teddy bear. Don't get me wrong, he still has this look he can give that would send chills down your back. He only uses that look for special occasions now (kidding). My mom is the most giddy woman I have ever met. She always has a smile on her face, and a hug to give. At church, she once playfully got in trouble by the women of the church for saying "I'm sorry" too much. She even recorded the voicemail on her phone saying "I'm sorry I missed your call, oh wait...I'm not suppose to say I'm sorry anymore..." My nickname from them is Gert. Don't ask why. I have no clue. I love them to death. I couldn't have asked for better parents.


Tonight we had another round of storms come through Springfield while I was at work. Whenever the tornado sirens sound, it is the staff's responsibility to move the patients to a centralized waiting room of the hospital. We did just that, but when we were done we bolted for the doors to watch the storm. I guess it's just something about that rush of adrenaline that makes us want to take that risk of getting blown away, just to see what's going on. I love it! I really think I need to consider a second job in storm chasing. Hmmmm.....


I have decided that I like blogging. It has brought out a touch of my creative side. It's almost like my own little public journal. I know people really don't care what I have to say about coffee or recycling paper or about what I did today, but it's a nice release for me. At the beginning of this semester, I loathed the thought of blogging. Now that we are days away from the end of the semester, I have to give props to my teacher for making us do this. Thanks man!


My daughter is two. Oh yes, the terrible two's. This child is hilarious! She has recently decided that she can take on and conquer her older brother in a wrestling match. I was watching them the other day as they were sitting quietly in the living room, watching a movie. My son was just sitting on the couch, minding his own business. All of the sudden, Addyson reaches up, grabs him by the shirt, and pulls him off the couch. The fight was on! I let them have at it for a while until I was tired of hearing "Mom, make her stop!" Her dad would be proud to hear me say that I think she will be the future star of the UFC. Oh, my sweet little girl!


My son is five. He is obsessed with Transformers. You can seriously sit down and have an hour long conversation about the movie. He knows everything about it. He cracks me up! Last year for Halloween, he was Bumblebee from the movie. He goes through phases where he will put the costume on and refuse to take it off for days. He put it on the other day, stood in front of his window in his bedroom and pretended like he was taking out the neighborhood boys that were playing in the street. I would love to know what goes through a little boys head sometimes.


We waste so much paper! I am sitting here at work, looking at our shred bin that is packed full of documents that we no longer need. It really is ridiculous! I am proud to say that when offered, I choose to save a stamp and get my bills by email. I think more people should do that.


I love coffee! I find myself sadly enough reliant on that amazing bean juice. It is what gets me through a ten hour shift at work then two-three hours of homework after I get off. My grandpa always had a cup of plain, black coffee. I tried so many times to drink it, but he told me that it would turn me black if I drank it. Well, twenty years later, I have two-three cups a day and I am still white. I guess you can say I'm a bean juice addict.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Losing a Friend

My most cherished friend in the world is getting married next week. I am so happy that she has found that special someone to spend the rest of her life with, but on the other hand, it makes me sad. I feel like I am losing my friend. All of the good times we have had over the last couple years are merely good memories now. It will never be the same again. What do you do when this happens? Do you find another hobby to fill that void? Sit and ponder the good times? Consume numerous cartons of ice cream while watching out favorite movie? I am being completely over-dramatic about this. It's just hard to know where to go without your best friend at your side whenever you need them. I just feel lost.


My son will start kindergarten this fall. Has anyone noticed how mean little kids are these days? He goes to preschool at a private school here in town. I never thought I would have to be that mom that has to step in and show these little bullies who's boss. I guess you could say that I am an overprotective mom. You don't mess with my kids! I picked my son up from school one day, got him all buckled up in his seat and drove off. I looked back to ask him a question, and he had this heart wrenching look on his face. When I asked him what was wrong, he just broke down and started crying. I finally got it out of him that there is a little bully in his class that was mean to him that day. I instantly felt my blood pressure sky rocket. I immediately called his teacher to see what had happened. She was not aware that anything had happened. I know this was a minor case of a class bully, but it makes you wonder how bad things get for some kids without anyone knowing.


I have recently discovered how hard it is to have a dog. It is seriously like having another child. I rescued a chihuahua from a guy I work with. Big mistake! I do not understand how this tiny little creature can piss so much. I only had her a week before my house smelled like a porter potty. Gross! I have read the books, watched the infomercials and looked up on utube how to potty train this particular dog. I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible!


I absolutely love writting little stories. I have always had a crazy imagination. When I was little, my younger sister would beg me to tell her stories before she went to bed. I sometimes wonder how I come up with some of this stuff. Where does it come from? I can sit down to write a story, not thinking about anything in paticular, and by the end I sit back, somewhat confused because I have no idea how I thought up what I wrote. I guess I just kinda drift off into my own little world, then by the end of the story, I snap back into reality. Writting is something that I use to relax. It seriously works every time. You should try it!


I loathe the idea of fast food, yet I continue to buy into it. My life is so crazy that all I have time for is a nasty ass burger from Mcdonald's. I even watched the movie that was made about Mcdonald's, yet I still go there. If only life could slow down so that I could cook an actual meal at least once a day. That would be amazing!