Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am 25 years old and scared to death of turning 30. When I was younger, all I wanted to do was get older. Now I would do anything to be 8 again. I wish I could pause my kids life for a little while so they can enjoy childhood just a bit longer. They are growing up so fast. It doesn't seem that long ago when I was just a kid playing with my little sister outside. Oh how I wish I was younger.

Miss California

Unfortunately, it is believed that Miss California got runner up because of the answer to her question about same sex marriage. She obviously does not agree with it. She, like many others, believe that it should stay between a man and a woman. Perez Hilton, the judge who presented her the question, is totally slamming her for her response. I think it's bs that he asked her what her opinion was, then tore her down because she stood up for her beliefs. I personally agree with her answer to the question. That doesn't mean everyone has to, but don't slam her for giving her opinion.

Flip Flops

I have a slight obscession with flip flops. I don't have room in my closet for all of them, so I have to keep them in a big garbage bad in my garage. I get so much crap about it. From guys of course! They just don't understand that some women like to have a pair that matches nearly all of her casual summer outfits. I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean seriously! They are flip flops. At least it's a cheap obsession!

Gonna be a step mom

Ya know, having your own kids is so much easier than being a step parent. It scares me to death. My fiance' has a little boy who is going on nine months old. This isn't your own child that you are taking care of. It belongs to someone else. I'm always afraid I'm going to do something wrong. How weird is that?


So I have decided that after my last final tomorrow, I am going to try for the hundreth time to stop smoking. It is so hard! I have tried several times to quit cold turkey, but obviously it didn't work. I think I need to try a different way, but what way will that be???


Ok, at this moment, my fiance' is about to get my foot in his ass. I am trying to focus on finishing my last little bit of homework, but he has this STUPID army cadences shit playing. I can't think!!!! Why is it that you men think that when you do something to piss your woman off, a simple I love you will make her just jump into your arms and say "Oh baby, it's ok." Doesn't work that way boys! Seriously, it's gonna be a long night!

Coach Purse

I am stupid and paid $160 for a damn purse. What was I thinking? I always use to make fun of women who would spend so much on something so little. I have became one of them. I tried putting it on ebay and craigslist, but no luck. I have some definite buyers remorse.